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100% Бүртгүүлсний бонус урамшуулал - Bodog Casino

Шинэчлэгдсэн огноо: 10/12/2023
Монгол улс


Гүйлгээний доод дүн:

USD 10

Хамгийн дээд хэмжээний бонус:

USD 500

$ref-тоглогчдыг тоолох

Бид уг урашмууллыг 4 сар сарын дотор авахад тусалсан

Бонус авах

Урамшууллын нөхцөл

Promotion valid for new users who registered after 01/08/2022.

The 3 bonuses of 100% will be available for 15 days from the date of registration of the account on the site.

To use the welcome bonus, the user must make a deposit.

The value of the bonus is 100% to the first three deposits.

To receive the bonus, the user must meet the website’s minimum deposit requirement, which varies by currency.

The maximum bonus is USD500 to the first deposit, USD500 to the second deposit and USD500 to the third deposit, depending on the currency the user has selected for their account.

Casino Welcome Bonus is not available for deposits made with Voucher

To receive the bonus, the user must select the “Casino Welcome Bonus” option during the depositing process. The bonus will be credited automatically once the deposit has been confirmed.

Before redemption, the total bonus amount plus the deposit amount must be wagered (rollover) at least 30 times. The amount deposited will remain locked until the bonus amount has been unlocked.

The deposit amount considered for rollover requirements cannot exceed the maximum bonus amount. If the player makes a deposit for a superior amount, surplus will not be considered for rollover.

Maximum Casino rollover for the first bonus is USD 30.000.

Maximum Casino rollover for the second bonus is USD 24.000.

Maximum Casino rollover for the third bonus is USD 24.000.

If a request for redemption is made before the minimum rollover requirement is met, all winnings and bonuses will be voided and withdrawn.



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Энэ bonus үнэлэх:

10 /10
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Bodog Casino Бонус урамшуулал

Монгол улс
Bodog Casino
38K $ref-тоглогчдыг тоолох

Curacao Curacao
USD 500 хүртэлх Бүртгүүлсний бонус урамшуулал: 100%
Гүйлгээний доод дүн: USD 10
Бооцоот: 30x
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Curacao Curacao
Гүйлгээний доод дүн: USD 10
Бооцоот: 30x


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30 characters left Maximum number of characters: 1000 30 characters left Maximum number of characters: 1000

Энэ bonus үнэлэх:

10 /10
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